Omeopatia Mediterranea S.F.E.R.HA. is an assocation made by homeopatyc medical doctors that was born due to the merging of some somehow diversified expericences, but which aim is, however, the achievement of a common work in the clinic and in the teaching of the pure Hanneman's homeopaty. It sets in its sights, as it is stated in its statute, these fundamental aims: apply and verify the diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic methodology of Hanneman's homeopaty; teach the Homeopaty in tight compliance with the Organon and with Hahnemann's works; spread and develop in its purest shapes the Homeopaty in Italy.

Omeopatia Mediterranea was established on June 22nd, 1994 by homeopatyc doctors with a common educational background which, since 1978, over years, used the teaching of these masters: Thomas Pablo Paschero, Proceso S. Ortega and Antonio Negro at Naples' offices of L.U.I.M.O. owned by the Doctor Alma Rodriguez, and, more than once, stages in Argentina, Mexico and Rome. The aims are to train young doctors and spread Hanneman's Homeopaty. The same group conceived and gave birth, with the doctors Giorgio Liotti, Pietro Federico, Carlo Cenerelli, Renzo Galassi, and others, to the F.I.A.M.O. constitution, taking part to the first legislative council of the same Federation to finally meld, in 1998, its experience with tho one of the L.U.I.M.O. So it was until 2015, when we took in autonomy again the project of quando abbiamo Research – Training and Spreading of Hanneman's Homeopaty.

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The classes of the duration of 1158 hoursare made up by three different years of studies. For each year there are:  150 hours of class-lessons; 25 hours of clinical practice; 36 hours of interactive work and 20 hours of video-conference; 25 hours of practice with tutors; 60 hours of self-teaching and thesis; 70 hours of full-immersion seminars.

The classes are reserved for people who have achievedMedicine and Surgery graduation or Veterinary graduation, for the students with checked examinations of the 4th year of university and , for the first two years, also for Pharmacy graduated students.

Attendance is mandatory, it will be checked and it's essential for the access to the examinations.

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Via Guantai Nuovi 30, 80133, Naples
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Teresa Anastasio
349 8444759